As part of the blogging community, I’ve realised how important it is for my readers to feel connected to me. But not just me, this goes for all bloggers. Readers want to empathise and share their stories safely to enable a relationship with me. And as bloggers, our goal is to create a safe space for our readers, while promoting inclusion and support through a clickable website. Our safe space is the writing community where we engage and share also.
With that being said this tag allows us to express the Blogger behind our writing. This amazing creation was engineered by one fellow superb Blogger Olivia Lucie Blake.
So without further ado I now share my 4 facts about me:
I am a drama queen
If you are a frequent reader of my blogs I'm sure by now you may already assume this fact. I can't even tell you when it all began, I exaggerate everything, I don't tell short stories, (It has to be the long version or don't bother asking) and my acting skills are en-pointe. My friends always say it's like they're watching a full on theatre production when I talk.
I took drama as one of my GCSE options at school (I'm currently writing a post about this experience) and I guess it all came naturally to me. I participated in many theatre performances and excelled in every part that came my way.
I loved it then and I miss it now. Watching my daughter in her school plays (yes she takes after mummy) reminds me of the happier times I experienced when performing. I often think about joining a local amateur dramatics club but then life gets in the way and now I must encourage my daughter with her drama instead. It's time to pass on the crown haha.

Photo from Unsplash
I suffer with hay-fever
And I'm not just being dramatic with this one, I am really bad with it. It started when I was 8 or 9 and we were playing on the fields that were freshly cut, all of a sudden pain attacked my eyes and I couldn't see properly. My mum took me to the doctors and from that moment on was diagnosed with this awful allergy.
I say awful because I literally anticipate the summer every year, I see everyone out having fun soaking up the beautiful surroundings, and I'm wearing the biggest sunglasses to protect my eyes from the pollen, my bag has two toilet rolls in it in case I have a sneezing attack and I have to triple check everywhere we go that I've packed my eye drops.
I have had some really bad attacks over the years, I remember one was while I was driving! I had to pull the car over while my eyes were slowly closing over due to the amount of rubbing I was doing. I couldn't open my eyelids to get my eye drops in. My partner at the time had to come and rescue me. I have tried every over the counter antihistamine and not one works, luckily I have specific ones from the doctor which I literally live on throughout the summer months.

Photo from Unsplash
Kelvin Fletcher
(For those who don't know him, he played Andy Sugden in Emmerdale for nearly 20 years).
I have to tell this funny story about running into Kelvin Fletcher. We had been to a show in London and were bored sitting waiting for our train home. I was engrossed in a game on my phone when all of a sudden my mum nudged me, almost knocking me off my chair. Kelvin had walked past us, with his headphones on minding his own business. We watched him as he joined a queue to get some food.
This was quite a long time ago now but at that stage I was collecting selfies with famous peeps so I knew I just had to get my picture taken with him. I waited patiently outside and then braved asking him for a quick photo. I felt so sorry for him, all he wanted to do was eat his burger and fries he had just brought. To be honest he wasn't much impressed either but he actually agreed. I did apologise for interrupting his evening, bless him. Meanwhile my day had been fulfilled and this was the selfie. Thank you Kelvin.

I started smoking at school when I was just 14. It was trying to be naughty at school at lunch times while also feeling a little pier pressure kind of situation. Unfortunately I also carried on when I left school at 16 for a further two more years.
I stopped for many years after that but I picked it right back up again when I was 28. At the time I was going through a divorce and had to build a new life alone with my then two year old daughter.
Now I am 38 and I still smoke, alot now. I am not proud of it, I know the consequences but it's a habit I struggle to stop.
Boy, once you pop the top with me, I just can't stop being honest. And this is why this tag is so important, getting to know us, the Bloggers as a real person.
My Blogger tags
As part of the challenge we also tag others to do the same:
Claire - www.clipboardclaire.com
Abi - www.dailydoseofcozy.com
Gemma - www.gemmaajayne.com
Christina - www.raisingmythreeandme.com
Thank you for reading and thank you to Cassie who nominated me. She's a very supportive person and I'd love for you to have a read of her site also:
J x
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I love reading bloggers' tags as there is always something to discover about the person behind the blog! I am a bit of a drama queen myself, so here goes something! x
Yes I agree, a great way to share and read others' interests. Thank you commenting
It was so nice getting to know you more!
My husband also was a part of the drama stuff and he too misses acting days!
I have heard about pollen being annoying, never thought it got this far! I'm so sorry that you cannot enjoy the beauty of summer. :(
I have never met a celebrity, although I was a mutual of the writer from the Escape From Furnace series and it was cool that he followed my personal Instagram and liked my selfies!
I have never smoked but I watch my father struggle with it daily. I'm sorry that you ended up with the habit again but completely understand the trigger for getting back into it!
I'm also the long-story teller when it comes to things, it was nice to hear about you!
Thank you again for tagging me. I'm going to get on this to hopefully post on tomorrow (Friday)
I can't wait to get to know you more!
Some lovely words there thank you for reading. I can't wait to read yours also.
I'm so glad I am not alone also in the long winded story telling haha
Between my sun allergy and your hay fever, summer is a battle! I have to have my supplies on me too, just so I can try to enjoy myself outside. I really think you should try to do some theater again. I know that life is intrusive to our dreams, but I'm sure it would fill up your soul and I know you're daughter would love to be your stage mom. Do it! Thank you for participating in the tag. I am having so much fun getting to know everyone.
~ Cassie
Yes I read about your sun allergy that must be uncomfortable for you at times. It is great to read about others absolutely.
Maybe I will look into drama clubs nearby, you have spurred me on
I took part in this tag too; it's so great to learn more about the people behind the blogs we read! I did a GCSE in Drama too (so long ago now -- eek) and then a Theatre Studies A'Level so I totally get the love you have for this! Thanks for sharing all these facts about you!
Molly | transatlanticnotes.com
Thank you for reading molly, I like that we have drama in common x
I loved reading this post and learning about you! I will tell you I feel your pain with the allergies, I take over the counter meds, 2 inhalers and I get steroid shots throughout the year... Texas is the WORST for allergies. Even after all that I get sick to my stomach, puffy eyes and my sinuses are a mess. I feel for you! As far as the Drama Queen I laughed, I love it! Own it girl!
Haha I will own it Lisa thank you, I do think drama runs through my veins haha.
And I'll be thinking about you throughout summer too, good luck
This is such a fun tag! I'm a bit of a drama queen too - exactly the same with stories - and it's so cool you got to meet Kelvin Fletcher! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed getting to know more about you x
Thank you for your lovely comments, I'm getting to know others through the comments too, welcome fellow drama queen 😁 x
Hi Jeanette! It's great to get to know you!
I also struggle quite badly with hayfever - the attack you had when driving sounds super scary though! Hope it eventually gets better for you x
Hiya, thank you so much for reading my post. It was scary and it took me a few days to recover too. I haven't had another bad one like it since, I think I learnt by my mistakes. I hope you get through summer too with yours ok x
I took drama at GCSE level. I failed. My drama teacher heated me and my friend because we always messed about. I spent most the classes now now allowed to take part, hence failing
Haha I did used to mess around too, but secretly I really loved it. I still do. Thanks for reading 😊
I have loved reading this tag to discover more about the person behind the blog! I get hay fever too, it's so horrible.
Totally agree, this is a great tag and I hope you have symptom free summer as much as you can x
I love reading posts like this one. I really like to get to know the real person behind the blogger. I used to smoke also while in highschool for the same reasons. A bad accident at a young age kept me away from it and thankfully never started it again. It is really hard to quit when it becomes second nature.
It is hard, or I'm just weak. Thank you so much for your understanding and lovely comments