My word this week is: preposterous. Meaning: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
How posh do you feel saying that word? I know right. It's like it's meant for older mums back in the early 50s or 60s telling their children off for getting their knees slightly scuffed with mud. Or, a headmaster of a school telling off the pupils in a school assembly.

School equipment
Meaning both uniform and school bag accessories, how organised were you? Creating a list every summer holiday and making sure you have enough time to buy everything on it. I unfortunately ran out of time and when I eventually got round to it, there was not a lot of choice. And, where do you go now to buy stationery? It seemed even our WH Smith didn't do pencil cases, I remember when I was younger there was too much choice in that place. So I tried Poundland, no pencil cases in there either but I did manage to pick up the 30cm ruler that was an absolute must plus a sharpener and felt tip pens. Now for the geometry kit, oh and still a long pencil case to put the 30cm ruler in.
Thankfully Wilko was the saviour here, only one type of boring long case but I didn't think I was in a position to moan much about that and a lovely geometry kit in a tin all ready to go. Now, school shoes, this involves a post all by itself. Would you be interested to read that?

Buying and selling a car
Why is it so difficult? Times have changed now too in regards to the tax before you drive it away. Recently I experienced a car purchase and to begin with, searching through an endless list of cars can cause headaches. You get your hopes up about one and then something let's it down, or maybe the seller doesn't seem bothered about actually selling it, or the ideal car is just too far to collect it from? It's not worth it. When you're also looking for specific things on your list but maybe it's out of your price range or it states 'slight body damage' when it's actually really really bad. This whole process took at least five weeks, it wasn't the easiest.
We drove an hour to view the car and thankfully it was the one. Next headache lurking: sitting for at least half an hour insuring the car before taxing it too. The insurance company was not open at the weekend so it had to be online, honestly it was not fun. Add all that stress on top of sitting in a traffic jam on the way home because there was an accident on the motorway. Was there an easier way I didn't know about?
Me and my mum went to our local theatre last week to watch Chicago the musical. The show was really great with lots of fantastic singing and dancing to keep us entertained.
This was the first time for me being in close proximity to others since the pandemic. I had received an email from the theatre prior to our evening which stated that mask wearing was advised, however I only saw a handful of people wearing them, the majority wasn't. There were quite a few coughers around the theatre too and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.
The evening ended on a bonus too as we spotted two local celebrities watching the show. I obviously can't mention names but it was our first time seeing them since they have arrived here in the town. Me and my mum felt honoured to be in the theatre at the same time as them.
Some exciting news: Become a VIP !
12 days of Christmas
Dropping quite swiftly into the blogging world I had to learn what all the terminology was. 'blogtober' is one, meaning you post a blog every single day during October. I have decided not to take part in this, I would need to be much more organised so I didn't want to push myself. However, there is 'blogmas' again a bit like blogtober, participating in as many posts as you can. I will be releasing 12 days of Christmas as my contribution. I have a spectacular 'Survival' guide and it's looking awesome already. I'm super excited about this and it's full of some information and useful tips.
Would you like to be the first to read these daily guides directly into your inbox before anyone else? Send me a message on: Info@itsajeanettething.com confirming your interest in blogmas and I will save your details.
Did a teacher have a nickname for you at school? Was it good or bad? And what would you say to that teacher now for calling you it?
J x
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