5 Things that annoy me, all before 9am

Published on 22 March 2022 at 20:41


Unfortunately readers this one is a bit of a rant, my work mornings are not always as straightforward for me as you might see in the movies. If only I could have just one morning that went swiftly. 


Below I list 5 things that tend to happen to me all in the same morning. Things that actually annoy me, leading to quite a stressed me all before 9am.


Leaving late

I am such a regimented person in the mornings, there is only myself and my daughter to get out the house but boy does everything have to run like clockwork. Unfortunately my daughter is like a snail. I don't think she is aware of the minutes flying by so quickly. At a guess, if I was to run by her clock I'm pretty sure she would be ready to leave the house at 9am. Well that's not good enough, in fact we HAVE to leave at 8am.


If it starts creeping past this I start getting antsy and panic, I have so much traffic ahead to sit in and I am not a person who is ever late, anywhere. With the school run first and then onto work, I actually feel so happy when I arrive at a good time. 


Petrol light comes on

It is my nemesis, I knew I needed to fill up but it's one of those chores that I really dislike and put off as much as I can. I don't mind doing it on the days I have off but work days are critical. And does the annoying little light have to pop up when I'm sitting in traffic? It's like it's laughing at me, 'you're not going to make it' I can hear it jesting.



Road works 

When I have one of those mornings I'm plodding along nicely on the roads thinking I'm finally getting somewhere and I turn a corner and bam! I'm met with a new queue of traffic due to no advanced warning that they're digging up the road. And low and behold I get past one and the next road also has hold ups. I often think about selling my dash cam footage because people don't believe me when I say, all I do is sit in traffic every morning.


Photo from Unsplash


Coffee machine not working 

There is nothing better than to reward myself in the mornings after beating off idiots on the road and battling for a car parking space down narrow streets, with a latte from the local shop. Frothy and warm just what the doctor ordered. So can you imagine the look on my face when the shopkeeper yells 'the machines not working today'! It's like my life goes into a slow mo part of a film, tears roll down my face, my bag drops to the floor and I'm struggling to let out a huge noooooooo ooo!! 


I usually brush myself off, make out I am not upset really and pretend to look for something else. Inside I'm sobbing and wondering how I will ever make it through the day. This was my treat, the mere thing I have looked forward to since I got out of bed, my reward. Sure we have instant coffee at work but it's not the same as that well deserved latte.


Phot from Unsplash


Spit on pavement 

Firstly I apologise if you are eating whilst reading this, this is pretty much the most vulgar thing in the world or is it just me? Before covid seeing it on the path where I was about to step was gross enough but now, now we have covid and I think people doing it are disrespectful in every way. Dodging it to others must look funny though, I'm doing a sort of mini tango right there in the middle of the streets! 


Thank you for reading through my rant, unfortunately I could add so much on this list but I'll save it all for next time. 


Are you a morning person? 


Are you a patient driver?

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Molly | Transatlantic Notes
3 years ago

I am a morning person in general but as I get older I'm becoming less and less of one, haha! I feel you on all these pet peeves as anything that doesn't help get the day off to a good start is such an annoyance!

3 years ago

Yes you're right, it's about setting your day up right, or I just let things get to me too much maybe?

Fadima Mooneira
3 years ago

I also got annoyed with morning road works and coffee machine not working. Hehehe.

3 years ago

Thank you, it's the little things that make me happy.

3 years ago

I am a morning person. My energy winds down as the day wears on. Like you, I am never late. I think it's rude for people to be late when other people are waiting on them. Outside of that, it brings me so much anxiety. I would rather be early and relax a little instead of rushing to make it. And, I live in a place with never-ending construction and so much traffic. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. Well, I'm not. And spitting? Just don't get me started. It's vile. Thank you for sharing your rant with me. I feel a kindred spirit in you. I hope the stars align to give you a better morning.

3 years ago

Gosh yes! I really get panicky if time gets away from me too quickly, I'm so happy you enjoyed this post, thank you so much for your lovely comments x

3 years ago

This one resonated with me. I am also somewhat regimented. I feel you with the morning routine and the coffee. A minute past my scheduled get-out-of-house time and I start palpitating haha
xx Je

3 years ago

I'm so glad you liked the post, thank you so much for reading. I sympathise with your palpirating that did make better knowing I'm not the only one 😁

3 years ago

This was such an interesting post, haha! I hate running late in the mornings too, my sister's the same as your daughter and it can be an absolute nightmare! Roadworks are super annoying too. Thanks for sharing x

3 years ago

Thanks so much for reading. I'm so happy to have shared my annoyances that others agree with. Ugh roadworks, what a nightmare

3 years ago

Oh man! I am DEFINITELY not a morning person or a patient driver so all of those things greatly annoy me too!

3 years ago

Haha thank you Katie, hi-five to that!

Sal Gaze
3 years ago

We are so alike, I’m exact the same but not a afternoon or evening or night person either! I love your β€œrants” or things that annoy you because you make me laugh so much I should be working right now but I just have to stop and read your blog! πŸ˜ƒ

3 years ago

Awww thank you so much! Feeling so much love ❀️ x

3 years ago

The coffee machine not working would completely ruin my day - probably even my week! There is no way I could function.

3 years ago

Haha yes Simona! Coffee is me!

2 years ago

I love this post! I completely relate to everything, but it's such a fun idea. And don't worry- I find the whole spitting on the pavement thing to be so disgusting too! I just don't get the point? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Thanks for sharing!

2 years ago

Thank you for commenting, it is lovely to hear others feel the same sometimes x