It is such an honour for me to nominated and all thanks to Kayleigh www.confidentlykayleigh.wordpress.com
I have always admired her work, her blog is about body acceptance and worries, she has been such a great inspiration to me. Thank you again.
Kayleigh has asked four questions as part of the nomination, so here goes:
- Give me one positive word you would use to describe yourself
My word would be honest. I strongly believe in honesty and think everyone should receive it too. I always say I am an open book, ask me anything and I will tell no lies. In fact I find it difficult to lie. I have always been complimented on this positive side of me and I don't think it takes much effort either.
- What is your funeral song?
This is such an unusual question, for many reasons, some don't like to think about things like that, some like to plan ahead and for others they have just known all their life what it is. I fortunately have known what this will be ever since I first heard the song. It's Puff Daddy - Missing You. I can listen to this over and over again, singing along (sounding spot on if that's not being too big headed) and I will cry every time. It's the words, for me it's always the words of a song that resonate.
- What is your favourite quote/song lyric?
My live by the meaning and say-it every day quote is C'est La Vie. Its meaning is ‘That's Life’ and used to describe things that have not gone to plan or sometimes to even answer a question. It does sound like I'm being negative by using it but if you like something enough you’d use it too. I think it is such a great answer to many of the questions in life.
- What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
I have dressed up for many years now from the usual witch to even a dead nun. This year we're invited to a small family gathering and I have bought a headband with pointed cat-like ears, I will dress in black and I'm looking forward to painting a scary face with whiskers too. I just need to create a tail.

The Award
This award is to honour every creative person, irrespective of their number of followers and views. Because, as long as you create, that is all that matters. The award comes from The Fictional Journal. Something Asmita created to celebrate blogs big and small and to appreciate the hard work and creativity that goes into them. You can find out more here – https://thefictionaljournal.wordpress.com/2021/03/23/the-aesthete-blogger-award/
The rules:
- Use the official logo/graphic of the award and display it on your blog.
- List the rules.
- Show some love to the one who nominated you!
- Mention the creator (Asmita@ the Fictional Journal) and link it back to the original post.
And answer these questions:
- Tell me something about this world that you admire
This is a tough question to minimise it down to one thing. I admire everything from our nature to our independence. My admiration however of aeroplanes is high on my list. I am fascinated by watching them take off and land. I love the noise. The engineering of a plane is beyond words, how can such a big object like them fly? It's just unreal and amazes me every time. All the people onboard, their luggage and the food, the miracle behind how it all comes together to eventually land in another Country is fantastic. Us humans created that, I am in awe!
- What is your favourite form of creativity?
I would have answered this question many years ago with a simple, physical creativity, like I have always wanted to start new projects and get hands on with stuff. I'm good at drawing and I have even qualified as a nail technician, making it easy to create nail art etc. But now, I have found a new love, sharing my unique viewpoints via the art of blogging.
Nominate 7 lovely people:
And their Questions are:
- What famous person would you like to go on a night out with?
- What genre of film best describes your life?
- Would you prefer never ending sweets or never ending savouries?
- What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
Something I have created:
Here are just some of my nail art creations.

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Loved your answers and your nail art. I think C’est la vie is great but it has just put the b*witched song in my head haha! X
Haha I loved b×witched! Great songs. And thank you for your compliment on the nail art. A big hobby of mine x
This is so nice, congratulations! I loved reading your answers, it is good to be honest, that's something rare these days. I love your Halloween dress up photo. It is fun to dress up even as a grown up.
Aww thank you so much for your kind compliments inna. Yes Halloween is a really a great time to go all out.
Thank you for nominating me. i appreciate it and I love all your answers!
You're very welcome. And thank you, they were great questions in the first place x