The new blogger tips, you should read first

Published on 19 January 2025 at 17:16


I am hoping that if you are reading this, that you are either new to blogging or thinking of starting up your very own blog? Although I have been blogging for nearly 4 years, I am still new to it, there is always something that changes or new things to learn in this industry. 


So as we start a new fresh year, maybe you can start that blog you have always thought about? 


Below, I will share some of what I have learnt on my blog journey to hopefully guide and inspire you:-




This is a really important thing to know about. Where do you download free photos from? How do you make a title picture? 


Again these are just the apps I use, they are just suggestions, as everyone has their own way of working. 


CANVA - the best app to create your very own title picture. Adding your own text, font and styles. This app also allows you to make Instagram posts, newsletters and even logos. 


PEXELS.COM - not a downloadable app but free to download photos that others have taken. If I use one, I tend to acknowledge the photographer in the post. 


THESAURUS - honestly the best thing since sliced bread! It is a life saver for me.  I was brought, as a gift one Christmas, the Oxford Thesaurus and I have used it more than a dictionary!


WIX.COM - New title generator. For when you need a catchy title for your post.



I am obsessed with my notebooks. Any ideas I have, they are written down and safe. I will use them also to thrash out paragraphs or even to jot down my research. Give me a great pen and a cute notebook and I am in heaven.



A good Web page 


If you have already been thinking a while about starting your blog, you will probably have a Web host in mind. The most common ones for bloggers will be WordPress, Weebly, BlueHost and GoDaddy, but do your own research first to find the right fit for your tech abilities, some sites will guide you more than others.


Make it bright, welcoming and easy to use, don't be afraid of making it an extension of your personality if that works for you. Always update your writing, check for broken links or out of date information.


Finally, add images for everything you do, whilst your writing will be interesting or factual, images always help with moving your narrative along.




This is probably an obvious one, but also key to success. Thinking outside of the box for many blog topics and constantly being fuelled with ideas will help with growing your readership.  Your creativity will increase your connections and will welcome new perspectives.





Persistence, the determination to stick with something to reach the ultimate goal. Believing that with effort and practice, you will succeed.


Keep going and going, write and keep writing. 


Positive Mental Attitude.


Something I have had to learn very quickly myself.


Photo from Unsplash


Social media


This goes without saying really, reaching an audience so wide, to places you have never even heard of, will always blow your mind.  Social media is historically the bread and butter for a blogger/content creator.


So, what are the best social media sites for a blogger? Personally, I can not answer this question, my social media reach is poor, probably because I do not upload regularly enough or am on the wrong sites.  But most use: TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. 


It will also help you to keep track of how you are performing and in particular, if you are reaching the right demographic.


If you want to get something out there, social media is the way forward, without a shadow of doubt.




Brainstorming ideas is the way I go forward with any new topic.  Creating spider diagrams is my favourite style of doing this.  Do the research first and make it factually correct.  I also like to use keywords, getting these out first saves so much time and then you can structure sentences and paragraphs around them.


Choose your target audience.


Stick with a topic you know well.


There may be a trend happening, or seasonal event happening that you may want to write about.

Thank you for reading and good luck with your new blogger project.


J x

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Unwanted Life
23 days ago

I didn't know Wix had a free title generator. Thanks for the information